Thursday, December 29, 2011

Lard = Beautiful, Really???

Well I had quite the project today...I Rendered Fat!
Not something I ever dreamed of doing, that's for sure.
But I'm glad I did it, despite the mess and stink, and I'd do it again!

First I started with a bucket of fat, that was collected from the cow we butchered last week.  I learned that the fat around the kidney is the most "pure".

Looks beautiful, huh?  =)
Next I had a really great helper (Thanks Carter!), and we chopped it all up (and cut out the yucky blood spots).

Cute little Carter, helping me chop!
 Then the chopped fat went into the food processor, (thanks Ryker!)  I had such great helpers today!

Ryker was proud to be the Food Processor Operator!
This is after it was food processed:
 Then we tried one batch in the crock pot, (which seemed to work well).
 And this is the batch that was boiled on the stove top:

Ewwww, the first straining.  The left over globs of fat!

Yay, it's starting to set up!

Here's a couple more pots of it, looks kinda yellow because of the light in the fridge...

Here's a better picture, (outside of the fridge) that looks much more white, and sooo beautiful!  (Never really thought I would think "lard" looked beautiful!)  Haha!!  =)

I can't wait till tomorrow to rinse it and be finished...  then I get to make soap with it!

Update:  Here is my big beautiful bowl of Lard!  I am very happy with how it turned out!

1 comment:

  1. And your wonderful Lard project made your house smell just wonderful, lol! oh and not to mention a bit slippery. Hehehehe.... just jokin! Good Job on your Lard!
